Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm only putting up pictures of the RT friend characters and some of their bios. The names I have given them are only temporary, as I've given the people that have characters the choice to come up with their own names for the characters.

-Name: Darth Shadow
-Species: Skrall
-Affiliations: Skrall Empire, Brotherhood of Makuta
-Occupation: Webcomic Artist, Freelancer Game, Movie, and Toy Reviewer

-Name: Scowleth
-Species: Unknown
-Affiliations: League of Six Nations, Pokemon Church of Arceus
-Occupation: Arcean High Priest

-Name: Unknown (Codename: Master Ninja)

-Species: Unknown (May very well be the last of his kind)

-Affiliations: Dark Hunter

-Occupation: Unknown (May still be working for the Dark Hunters.)

-Name: Monty Prime

-Toa Status: Toa of Fire

-Affiliations: Toa, Order of Mata Nui

-Occupation: Toy Reviewer

-Name: Axel

-Vahki Model: Modified Vorzakh mining unit repurposed for combat

-Affiliations: Vahki

-Occupations: Mining Vahki, web page designer

-Name: Empress Cortana

-Species: Matoran

-Affiliation: Empire of Light

-Occupation: Empress of Light

-Name: ZzOMBiE13

-Species: Unknown, possibly Matoran

-Affiliation: Empire of Light

-Occupation: High Priest of Empress Cortana, Webcomic Artist

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